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Elementary Studies

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Parables of Jesus 

Length: 10 Lessons

There are many great parables told by Jesus in the Bible. Parables are also called Allegories. Jesus told these simple stories to illustrate powerful truths that people could understand and relate to. Jesus’ parables are relevant to us today because He uses examples that we can see like sheep, money, seeds, hurting people or persistent people…  to point us to the best way to live - God’s way.

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God's Gifts

Length: 10 Lessons

These lessons teach foundational Scriptural truths all age groups can enjoy but adjust them to make them work for your group. 

God has given us wonderful gifts! In this study you will learn about the Bible, creation, our life, rules and discipline, courage, wisdom and direction, fellowship and prayer, friendship and family and purpose in life. And these gifts all come together in the best gift of all, Jesus. There is none like Him! He is the greatest gift!

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Love Like Jesus

Length: 10 Lessons

Jesus shows His love to us every day…do you see it?

Love is not just something that people feel. Love is something that we show to people and Jesus is our example!
When Jesus lived on earth, He showed His love by blessing, serving, healing and forgiving people. Jesus showed us ultimate love by giving His life in payment for our sins. 

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The Early Church - Acts

Length: 10 Lessons

The book of Acts tells the history of the early church as the disciples sought to continue the work the Jesus had begun. It was through the power of the Holy Spirit that the disciples were given courage, strength, and even miraculous power to proclaim the truth of the gospel. 


Acts also tells of the dramatic conversion of Saul (Paul), the Jewish leader who went from despising and killing Christians to becoming the most influential man to ever serve the Lord.


Joseph - Faithful Servant

Length: 10 Lessons

In this study you will meet a Hebrew teenager named Joseph. Joseph spent 16 years as a slave and then prisoner in Egypt but he consistently honored God. Through Joseph God fulfilled His plan and saved Joseph’s family.

Just as God was with Joseph during his time as a slave and a prisoner, God will be with you during your hard times. He is working, even when we cannot see it or feel it.


David - Heart for God

Length: 10 Lessons

David was a shepherd boy who was God’s choice to become Israel’s most important king. David is most well-known for defeating Goliath with a slingshot, but David was a great warrior that made Israel a strong nation, all while pointing his people to God.

David was far from perfect, but he is known as a man after God’s own heart because of his faith, his reliance on God, and his continued pursuit of a relationship with God.

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Power and Truth of Jesus - Mark

Length: 10 Lessons

Like the other Gospels, Mark records Jesus’ life: His miracles, betrayal, death, resurrection,and commission. Mark is the shortest Gospel, and it is action-packed from start to finish covering who Jesus is and what He did. Mark filled his gospel with the miracles of Jesus, illustrating again and again both the power and the presence of the Son of God.



Length: 12 Lessons

The Psalms are a wonderful example of how to be in relationship with the God of the universe. Psalms encourage us to praise God for who He is and what He has done. They illuminate the greatness of our God, affirm His faithfulness to us in times of trouble, and remind us of the absolute heart of His Word.

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Essentials of the Faith

Length: 10 Lessons

Essentials of the Faith was created to provide students with lessons to help them have a clearer understanding of their faith; to help them personalize their faith; and to help them cultivate a greater ownership of their spiritual growth.

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The Ten Commandments

Length: 10 Lessons

 The Ten Commandments were given to God’s people through Moses as laws to live by. God gave them to us to help us lead our best lives with regard to our relationship with Him and our relationship with each other. 

The Ten Commandments, at their heart and core, are all about love. Jesus tells us that the whole point of the law is to love God and love others. And because of His amazing love for us, He fulfilled the law that we could not! 

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John - Who Is Jesus?

Length: 10 Lessons

The apostle John wrote this book to show the world that Jesus is the Son of God, the

Savior of the world and that all who believe in Him will have eternal life.


Do you really know Jesus? This study was written so that you will encounter Jesus

(who He is and why He came) and that your life will be changed through Him.

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