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Age: Youth
Length: 6 Lessons

Daniel’s integrity as a man of God gained him favor with the world, yet he refused to compromise his faith in God. Even under the intimidation of kings and rulers, Daniel remained steadfast in his commitment to God. Daniel also teaches us that, no matter whom we are dealing with, no matter what their status is, we are to treat them with compassion.

Download All

Click on the icon to the left to download all lessons (1-6) of Daniel including the Intro Letter, Cover Sheet, Commentary, Picture, and Dictionary.

Cover Sheet

Click on the icon to the left to download the Cover Sheet to Daniel.


Click on the icon to the left to download the Commentary to Daniel.

Lesson 1

Click on the icon to the left to download Lesson 1.

Lesson 3

Click on the icon to the left to download Lesson 3.

Lesson 5

Click on the icon to the left to download Lesson 5.

Intro Letter

Click on the icon to the left to download the Intro Letter to Daniel.


Click on the icon to the left to download the Picture for Daniel.


Click on the icon to the left to download the Dictionary to Daniel.

Lesson 2

Click on the icon to the left to download Lesson 2.

Lesson 4

Click on the icon to the left to download Lesson 4.

Lesson 6

Click on the icon to the left to download Lesson 6.

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