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Bible Studies for All Ages

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INTRUTH Bible Studies

INTRUTH is a collection of Bible studies available at no cost. They can be downloaded, sent as a link, printed individually, or bound into notebooks as a whole study. You are free to adapt them for use in any setting.  

Follow us on Instagram for updates @INTRUTHbiblestudies

The Bible is God’s Word, His message to us. It is the key to life personally, relationally and eternally. Our lives are transformed when we believe God and follow His word, when we live in truth. Relationships deepen when people discuss God’s Word together. Living in God’s truth enables us to fulfill God’s purpose for our lives..

What is available through INTRUTH?

Bible studies for different ages or comfort levels in studying the Bible. These studies are simply a tool to help people get into the Word. The real power is in the Bible. We offer different Bible studies for different ages, though any age may relate best to any of these three levels:

  • elementary
  • youth
  • adult

Some studies cover a whole book of the Bible, while others are more topical, highlighting a book or a character in the Bible.


Note: These Bible studies are not copyrighted and may be downloaded for free. If you have any studies you would like to see added, please fill out the form on the 'Contact' page. 

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